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Davie, FL, United States
Fun loving, laid back easy going girl, who just likes to work hard and play harder!!!! CUZ a girl has to LOVE LIFE!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Facebook Emotions..

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Good on Paper:

Dating freaking suxs and it is stupid hard. I don’t know why men enjoy doing it so much! I meet this boy…let’s call him Mr. Peep This. That boy is so good on paper and reading the paper…we would be a great fit for each other!  Took a while, but I finally decided to go ahead and meet him, go on a date. Right. Heck, like I said he is good on paper and yes, we do have a lot in common.

He is so good on paper: jobs, education, car, financially stable, active (he does crossfit etc) knows what he wants, he is smart, funny and very very nice and we got along really well....but then like always...you see the flaws. There is always something…isn’t there. :(

**Just a side note**
Guys work so hard to get in your pants. They are so attentive and responsive, but as soon as they do...BAMN...you move from #1 to #21

Sad thing is, if they didn't get us use to the attentiveness and responsiveness in the beginning, we would be so bothered when they stopped doing it so much! Then they say you are the needy one and why do you want to see them all the time.

I WILL TELL YOU WHY! It is because from DAY ONE they have been like that. Now it is day SIXTY ONE and you have just gotten into the routine. Honestly, we had lives before them; they inserted themselves into our lives, changed us and then blame us for changing....

And I don’t care how they act, we have already decided within the first 30 seconds that we see/meet them weather or not we are going to sleep with them, so this whole messing with our minds part is SOOOO not needed!


Back to Mr Peep This.

Date #1 goes really great, but the flaws….

1) And this is the biggest one: When he opens his mouth.
            The boy says words from 1990! Yes, Seriously! 1990!
            Words like:
            * Peep This
            * Word
            * No Doubt
            * Yo
            * Crib
WTF! Are you kidding me! Although he did use HAM (Hard as a Mother) the other day, which I love (thanks to Two Broke Girls)! But ugh! It is just so strange hearing slang from 1990, especially in a New York accent. I just look at him, jaw dropped, wondering WTF is going to come out of his mouth next.

Hell, I even had to txt a friend to see if I could get an interpretation on one text "Chillaxin in bed all day. What fucking killed me boo is spelling at 9 effin am"

What the hell does Spelling mean!

Sadly, no one could tell me, and I didn't want to ask in case it was an auto correct...causing him to realize just how strange I find his lingo. Urban Dictionary didn’t help me out either L Damn Google!

At this point in time I am waiting for WACK to come out! Heehee.

So that is issue #1

Issue #2

2) He is still a bit of a party boy

Not such a big issue for me, but now that I am older...getting older...whatever. I like to sleep more and I am not getting drunk or going out to the club as much. Hell, I haven't been to the bar in MONTHS, I can't even remember the last time and I haven't been to an actually night club since my birthday in April! And I don't plan on going again anytime in the near future.

Him...he goes out until like 5 am - 6 am. He said the other night he went out to a club after he got off work (admittedly at 3 am) and was out until 8 am!

Are you crazy! You are 30 years old! doing that 3-4 times a week is not good.

Even after our date the other night, at 11:30 or whatever, instead of going home like a normal person would do on a Thursday night, he went to Off the Hooka in Fort Lauderdale and meet up with some friends until like 3 am! NO WAY! That is just strange to me.

Then he said to me: "I don't want to go out late like that anymore and now I found a girl who doesn't."

IDK, I don't want him to change who he is and not go out because of me. I want him to be that person on his own. I don't think people should change something like that about themselves for someone else. And how will that even work. Obviously all his friends are the same way. Going out late, partying all night and sleeping all day.

Why does dating have to be so damn hard? LOL

I am going to go on another date with him. But 2 issues that I need to address, consider and decided on...NO DOUBT!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Alex Cross - The Movie

I just have to say!!!

I LOVE the Alex Cross Series by James Patterson! 

But I still CAN NOT believe that they cast Tyler Perry for Alex Cross!! He is NOT Alex Cross!!! SERIOUSLY!! WTF! READY the BOOKS!!! Idris Elba is a MUCH better...MUCH hotter....PERFECT fit for Alex Cross! 

Tyler Perry! Ugh. Could you make me any sicker! I don't even want to waste my time watching that dude completely screw up a perfect movie.. especially when Idris Elba could have done it so perfectly...and dame is Idris Elba sexy....ummmm......seeeeexxxxxyyyyy!! :) Ummm...Yes, Idris Elba really is Alex Cross!!