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Davie, FL, United States
Fun loving, laid back easy going girl, who just likes to work hard and play harder!!!! CUZ a girl has to LOVE LIFE!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Standing out among the Crowd for the Perfect Job!

Although the economy is getting better….it is still tuff out there. So many people are out of work and looking for a job that sometimes it feels like a never ending process of applying and not hearing anything back….even a simple, “Thank you for your interest but NO”

I think one of the reasons that recruiters and HR people don’t respond anymore is because of the massive amounts of application they get. Thanks to CareerBuilder, Monster.com, and even craigslist the number of places for a person hunting for a job to apply is every growing.

So how can you really make yourself stand out among the crowd?!

First you want to get your resume noticed among the all the other rest! The best way to do that is to use KEYWORD! What is the job you are applying for?  What are they looking for, what is listed of requirements? Make your resume fit that, don’t lie and make stuff up, but use similar word and lingo.

If you do manage to get into an interview, make yourself stand out and relax. If you want to know more about interviewing, check out my blog What I Learnt During My Job Hunt & How it May Help You!

Next…make sure you reach out after the interview. You are only one person to interview and it may have been an awesome interview. But you need to follow up, send them a thank you. Send a message through LinkedIn or to their email. LinkedIn is a great way to stand apart!

Don’t forget, jobs fill fast! If you want a job, ACT! Don’t wait a few days and then apply, the opportunity may already be gone!

The Sleeping Beauty trilogy by Anne Rice

Last night I finally finished reading the Sleeping Beauty trilogy by Anne Rice.

Anne Rice has written some amazing books, but she also sometimes writes 20 pages about a tree, how the tree looks in the dark, how the tree folds out against the moon light, how the trees branches stretch out into the night to consume the darkness around it….and so on. When I picked up the Sleeping Beauty trilogy, it was only on a recommendation, and the recommendation was a good one.

Unlike her Lestat series, these books have nothing to do with Vampires or the supernatural really, but instead a twisted version of the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty. Sleeping Beauty is awaken from her slumber, not by a kiss, but instead by…how should I say it…pleasure, ecstasy, sex…or should I just be blunt, rape, by a Prince.

The Prince takes Beauty back to his land (on agreement from her parents) and forces her into slavery. Not slavery in the terms of working for no pay in the fields all day, but as a sex slave. At first she is tormented and in awe by her treatment, and of princes and princesses from other lands, but soon she breaks and come to love it, crave it, and need it.

The Sleeping Beauty trilogy brings every sexual fantasy to the forefront from simple whips and chains to pony play and rape. It pushes every sexual desire to the limit, no matter what fantasy you have heard of, read about, thought of, or not thought of. I can see why originally the book was published under a sudo name, because it shocks you!

The plot, even if you have no interest in reading an erotic fantasy is actually interesting, even with the few Anne Rice moments of spending to much time on a minor detail.

Beauty it taken to the land of her Prince and savoir and she learns to become a “good” sex slave and she is content until she hears about a village, where “bad” slaves who displease their masters sexual are sent. Beauty becomes fascinated with this village and decides to break the rules so she can go there to experience new forms of sexual pleasure and torture, because as I mentioned before, she has gown to enjoy and crave it!

I do not want to give away the story. I have been told off a number of times for revealing too much J (yes, that was just for you chica) so instead I will stop there….stop before the plot really thickens, I will not tell you what becomes of Beauty. But I did really enjoy the ending, it was not the ending I was expecting, but somehow knew that it had to end that way.

Now I have to move onto a new book, not an erotic fantasy this time…I think I will go with what is always good, zombies!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How to know if you ever lived in St. Louis?

My best friend forwarded me this "What Jeff Foxworthy has to say about St. Louis". Not only did I find it funny but it made me super home sick...for a split second, until my mum told me it had been in the 40's last night...then I remembered why I love FL so much. But for everyone that has ever lived in St. Louis...you will enjoy this!

If someone mentions "The Landing" and it has nothing to do with the space shuttle,
                                      you might live in St. Louis .


If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time,
                you  might live  in St. Louis .


If you've seen a tornado touchdown and ONLY thought "Darn it, I  just waxed the car",
                                  you might live in St. Louis .


If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a wrong number,
                                you might live in St. Louis .


If you measure distance in hours instead of miles,
              you might live in  St. Louis .


If you have switched from 'heat' to 'A/C' in the same day and back again,
                          you might live in St. Louis.


If you drive 75 miles through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard for some White Castles,
                             you might live in St. Louis.


If you carry jumper cables in your car and your wife knows how to use them,
                                  you might live in St. Louis .


If you take I-Farty-Far to Six Flags,
            You might live in St. Louis .


If someone says concrete and you think of Ted Drewes instead of pavement,
                        you might live in St. Louis


If you design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit,
                           you might live in St. Louis .


If the speed limit on the highway is 55 mph -  you're going 80 and  everybody is passing you,
                             you might live in St. Louis .


If you've ever skipped school, work, or even a court-date because you had tickets to an afternoon Cards game,
                              you might live in St. Louis .


If you can say the words "Cahokia Mounds" and not think of a candy bar,
                             you might live in St. Louis .


If driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow,
                          you might live in St. Louis .


If you actually understand these jokes and shared them with your friends,
                            you live or have lived in  St. Louis