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Davie, FL, United States
Fun loving, laid back easy going girl, who just likes to work hard and play harder!!!! CUZ a girl has to LOVE LIFE!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Maggots found in Nestle Goobers

OK, let me just start off by saying this was a really sick article when I read it. To read the full article go to http://www.wtsp.com/news/mostpop/story.aspx?storyid=104468&provider=top.

So I am reading my morning emails and this article pops out at me and I am serious, I lost my appetite right then and there.

This woman goes to Walgreens and sees that one of her favorite candies are on sale. Nestle Goobers, so she buys a few boxes. Gets home eats one box with her family that night. Everything is all good. She goes the next day to eat the next box and a fly flutters out of the box when she opens it. So she looks inside only to find wiggling, squirming white eyeless maggots and flies inside and living in the candy. I think right then and there I would have lost it, screamed, tossed the box and had to shower in scolding hot water and maybe some bleach just to be sure. But I overreact sometimes.

Anywho, the lady calls Nestle, as you or I or any sane person would do, thinking these freaks sold me a box of candy filled with BUGS! And Nestle told her, "Oh the box is 4 months expired" and they told her to read to code and the expiration date is in the code.

The code read: 8070574823 9A

Ok, do any of you see an expiration date, Something that say May 4, 09 or 5 4 09 or something easy to understand. Does the 8 in the beginning mean 2008, or the 23 at the end symbolizing the 23rd of some unknown month? Where in that code do you see the date? Well I didn’t see it. If you did, then good for you and you are a hell of a lot smarter than us or you know the trick. Well my friends and I did not figure this out, and neither did the lady who almost ate some scrumptious feces eating flies. I sent this to a number of people, just curious if they could tell me the expiration date?

Do you know what Nestle does, they say if you have any questions about the code: call xxx-xxx-xxxx.

We all decided that seriously, if this code was meant for the average customer that buys Nestle’s candy, then there has been a huge error on Nestle’s part. I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything, but I am not an idiot. Heck I am a college graduate, working on my Masters right now. And I felt like an idiot try to figure out that date. Who makes codes that confusing and then tells the people to call if they have any questions. I feel that expiration dates are there so the customer knows that the product they are buying is good and safe to eat. It should be easy to find, read and understand! A little kid should be able to figure this out, kids buy candy! This is not something to mess around with. If I walked in and saw my kid eating squirming maggot filled candy, man would there have been problems.

Instead Nestle uses a cryptic code and expects anyone who may decide to buy their candy to decode it.

And just to point out, what about shelf life of a product. When we buy something we don’t go home and eat it right away. And even so, what if she bought it before the expiration date, goes home, the candy sits on the shelf for 2 weeks before she decides to enjoy all of it. After consumers buy a product, it sits at home! For Halloween and Christmas, a lot of people buy candy early and a lot buy it on clearance after the holidays. That is 3 months on the shelf right there!!!!
And just another minor fact! UMM how did the maggots get into the box, isn’t that suppose to be sealed in a factory somewhere.

The whole situation really grosses me out and I must admit that I will not be eating any Nestle products again for a very long time, as many of my friends agree, because that is just horrific.

I feel that Nestle should have more to say on this topic of Maggots in their candy. I think they should make their expiration dates A LOT easier to decode and they should really apologize for letting something like this happen. You could say it was the retailers fault, but they didn’t make the code cryptic, they didn’t seal maggot babies into the box. They are slightly to blame, for missing the box, but missing one box should not result in maggots and flies squirming inside.

Oh and just to clarify the expiration date was Jan 2009

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