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Davie, FL, United States
Fun loving, laid back easy going girl, who just likes to work hard and play harder!!!! CUZ a girl has to LOVE LIFE!!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

A kid kicked off the plane!!!

I like kids and one day (soon) I want to have kids, my boyfriend has two kids, and LOTS of my friends have kids (I'm at that age). I don’t think there is anything wrong with taking your kid on a flight. BUT you have to understand that there are 180-200+ other people on that flight that paid just like you did and you need to respect that. So I was watching the news and I heard the story about a mother and her baby getting kicked off a Southwest plan because the baby wouldn’t stop talking. They asked the mother to keep her child quite because there were 180+ other people on the plane who paid for their tickets as well, but apparently the comfort of herself and her baby was more important and it didn’t matter how much other people had spent for their ticket or how much work they had to complete before the plane landed. ALL that mattered where HER and HER BABY!

So when I heard that FINALLY a woman was asked to take her 19-month old baby boy off the plane, I wanted to clap! I have been on so many flights that I PAY GOOD MONEY FOR. GOOD HARD EARNED MONEY that I worked for too get onto a flight. I save penny by penny to be able to fly home ONCE a year to visit my mum, and when I go, I usually have to take time off of work and I HAVE TO work on the flight, and so many times I have had to sit in front, behind, or next to some noise ass kid who kicks, cries and screams the entire flight!! Do their parents not know how to control them? It makes it impossible to get the work done that I need, thus I DON’T get paid. I am already counting pennies (like so many people out there). I need that money. I get to go grocery shopping once every 2 months if I am lucky and then I can only spend $60-70. So when their screaming kid making it impossible for me to get my work done it directly affect how long it is before I get to go to the store again (regardless of how empty my cupboards are). We are all struggling right now, some more than me, other less than me, but if your kid makes it impossible for me to work, which means I don’t get paid, which means I will be late on my bills and not have money to EAT….we have a problem.

You may say, well why are you flying if you are that broke, you are right, I use to drive home, but now it is more expensive and more time off than to just fly. I live 22hrs away from my mum by car. So I fly, I want to see my family, I know that must be selfish of me, but I only do it once a year and I save (I take money from my grocery bill to pay for it, so I justify it by sacrificing because I love my mum). Why doesn’t your mum come to see you, good question, well she is retired, living on a fixed income and after the market crashed…well let’s just say, if I did have any extra money ever, it would go to her. So I sacrifice so that I can see my mum, maybe you can tell me I need to not go, but I don’t have much family and I love the family I do have. I spend 360 day a year alone, I want 5 days a year to not be alone. And if that offends you then I don’t care, I love my mum, maybe I am stupid for doing so but whatever.

So back to my original issues, as I mentioned I use to drive place, so there are other ways to travel. If you have a kid who you can’t control out of respect for those around you who chose not to have kids or can control their kids, then I think the airlines have every right out of the respect of the other 180-200 people on the flight to ask you to leave. TUFF LUCK… the world doesn’t revolve around you just like it doesn’t revolve around me…SURPISE. Plus, I only buy one ticket when I fly $230 a year; you buy at least 2 for you and your kid that is almost $500, that will cover you driving! So I think, if your kid doesn’t know how to be quite…help it out. The other 180 people on the flight have the right to ask you to leave or ask you to shut your kid up! SO BRAVO SOUTHWEST!! You shouldn’t have to apologize for anything! You respected the majority! Don’t apologize and you SO didn’t need to give them a refund and money for another flight! I wish more companies did that! HECK I wish there was an airline that wouldn’t allow kids at all! I know that business people, flying for work would take it, college students, people like me and my friends! Only people that wouldn’t take it would be people traveling with their little kids, let them fly together and have to listen to each other’s screaming kids! That would solve everyone’s problems

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's not OCD, It's Organization

Some of my friends tell me that I have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), but I don’t think it is that serious. I may be a little obsessive sometimes, but not OCD. I just like to have everything organized and neat. It does take me 8 or so hours to clean my 700 sq ft apartment and I carry hand sanitizer (but who doesn’t). I keep 3 running tasks list at work, all listing the same things, one on my outlook, one as a print out status sheet and one in a pocket calendars. Neither the outlook nor the printout sheet is as compete as my pocket calendar, that one tracks everything. I put in my work tasks, shopping lists, events, classes, homework, phone numbers (especially since my phone deleted all its stored numbers in a freak occurrence a month ago), birthdays, pass codes, you name it – it goes in my calendar. It makes me feel more secure, and like my phone or wallet, I can’t leave home without it, I have to go back to get it because I feel lost without it. I think I got this habit from my mum. I think we all pick up habits from our parents. She always has one and when I turned 16 and got a job, she started giving me one a year. Since I have moved out of the house and started a career of my own, I have started to return the favour. Gadda love my mum . I am always keeping my eyes open for a good one to buy her, especially since Christmas is right around the corner. Since I spend a lot of time online (not cuz I am crazy…it’s part my job…online research) I came across a great site that has some really good deals on pocket calendars, which is a good thing, because this holiday I am going to be broke. They have so many different kinds and sizes that I know I will find not only the perfect one for me but also for my mum. The site is easy to navigate and is well organized, unlike some sites you visit.

Monday, October 26, 2009

When are we Truly Safe?

Security is becoming more and more important today. It seems to be one of the hot topics that is almost always being discussed. Do we have too much security that it is taking away from our privacy, are we lacking in security that people are able to get guns and weapons into schools and onto planes. This is a topic that will always be hot and one that will never be agreed upon. Does the NSA have the right to read our emails and monitor our phone conversations? Does the government have the right to access everyone’s Facebook account? Do people have the right to carry guns, and if so do they have the right to carry them concealed? We seem to need protection from everything today, just read the News, children being kidnapped, students being gunned down in school, terrorist attempts on federal buildings and churches, organizations being brought to their knees, Medicare Scams, the list goes on and on. When are we truly safe?

With all of the hackers running round the world today, not only are individuals at risk of losing their identity, having their bank account wiped out and more, but many organizations are also at high risk. I know the company I work for is really big on security and it would be crazy bad is someone hacked into our organizations network. All the big organizations are looking to hire Security Consultants to help them protect against the hackers. One good hacker can destroy and entire organizations with just a few key strokes. Hackers can be anyone and they can be anywhere, the internet has made it easy for them to steal money and secrets from anyone at anytime. The internet may have made our lives easier but they have not made it safer, it has just opened up a whole other avenue of crime.

One of the ways many are making a living is by going in the security field and getting extensive training in security, weapons/ firearms training , terrorist awareness and the authority to arrest people. After taking a number of course, these individuals get the online guard card and can begin a new career. But you have to remember that city/state have different rules and regulations. Firearms training in South Florida is way different then firearms training in Los Angeles.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I am a huge Zombie Fan…ask any of my friends, so a few months back when I saw the first preview for ZOMBIELAND…I couldn’t wait. I have seriously been counting down the days until this movie came out! I loved the previews…funny as all heck.

So my boyfriend and I went last night!!! I would have gone this weekend, but thanks to an ear infection that made me deaf in one ear...I had to wait!

One of the things I really Zombieland starts off and it goes STRAIT into the blood! Most movies build up! Not this one! You are laughing and seeing blood within the first min of the movie. I started laughing and hardly stopped until the end. AND unlike a lot of movies…these characters where not stupid and making stupid choices that would get them killed…they were survivors!

Zombieland starts in the post Zombies apocalyptic (I know that will come one day !). It has been 2 months since the first person got infected with the zombie virus (which they do not name, but for anyone who knows anything about zombies…the virus’s name is Solanum). Only a few human have managed to remain alive, mainly Columbus (he is the teller of the story). He is a college student who is trying to get back to Columbus to find his parents. The only way Columbus has managed to survive (considering he is the dorky un-athletic type who is afraid of everything) is by following his 32 Rules. I guess Columbus’ fears are what helped him stay alive. OH and like me Columbus has an UNDYING fear of CLOWNS. Yes you heard me CLOWNS.

Side note:
I knew there was going to be a zombie clown in the movie…I have known for months thanks to IMDB which had the freaking clown on the main page for ever…I COULDN’T visit IMDB until a friend told me it was finally down. So anyway I was expecting that…and looked away so I did scream (I knew it was coming). But I didn’t know about the first clown. AND I screamed…AHHH (LOUD) and screamed “OH MY F*#$ing GOD! I HATE F*#$ing CLOWNS” and jumped in my seat. It was so loud that everyone in the theater looked at me. I didn’t mean to it just came out as a reflex. I think I almost had a heart attack!

Back to the Movie:
So Columbus on his way back to Ohio when he runs into Tallahassee (played by one of my favorite actors Woody Harrelson!!). Tallahassee is a crazy zombie killer, Twinkie obsessed mad man! And he pulls up in a pimped out Escalade…not pimped out like rapper…but pimped out like ready to take down some ZOMBIES…nice (how much do you think Escalade paid for that!!!). Tallahassee agrees to give Columbus a ride. Thanks to Tallahassee’s obsession with Twinkies they stop at a store where they find 2 girls, Wichita and Little Rock. Witchita convinces the boys that her sister has been bitten and she needs their gun to killer her….but it was a scam and as soon as they get the gun…the leave Tallahassee and Columbus behind and drive off in Tallahassee’s sweet ass Escalade!

Tallahassee and Columbus set off on foot, and are lucky enough to come across a Hummer (How much do you think HUMMER paid for that…same as the Escalade?!!) The Hummer is full of weapons (gadda love those red necks). So they set back off down the road…only to find the Escalade broke down. Little Rock and Wichita trick the boys again and get the car, but are at least nice enough to take the boys with them.

The girls are heading to some amusement park so they head west…taking the boys with them. When they finally arrive in Hollywood, Tallahassee takes them to Bill Murray’s house (haha) Bill is dressed up as a Zombie…so he can fit in…and still socialize (odd). And scares the crap out of Tallahassee and Wichita, Bill and Tallahassee start talking and they convince Bill to go and scare Columbus because he is well a phobic virgin.

I am not going to say anymore because I do not want to give away the rest of the movie….and trust me I have skipped over most of it.

Oh but one thing I love The RULES!!! If you have not seen them yet….YOU HAVE TO! Rules to Live by!!!
01. Cardio
02. Double tap
03. Beware of bathrooms
04. Seatbelts
07. Travel light
17. Don't be a hero
18. Limber up
22. When in doubt know your way out
31. Check the back seat
32. Enjoy the little things

This movie is non-stop laughs! Even my boyfriend laughed (a lot) and I had to drag him to the movie! I had to beg, but he gave in and took me because he knows my LOVE for zombies!!! And I am so grateful and happy that he did take me.

ZombieLand is like a combination of Shaun of the Dead (funny ass movie) and the Zombie Survival Guide (by Max Brooks)! It is totally worth seeing and I give it for real like 9 stars out of 10!!! That is right almost 10 out of 10….There was a clown (lost part of a point). When the movie ended, I could have turned around and watched it again!!