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Davie, FL, United States
Fun loving, laid back easy going girl, who just likes to work hard and play harder!!!! CUZ a girl has to LOVE LIFE!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I am a huge Zombie Fan…ask any of my friends, so a few months back when I saw the first preview for ZOMBIELAND…I couldn’t wait. I have seriously been counting down the days until this movie came out! I loved the previews…funny as all heck.

So my boyfriend and I went last night!!! I would have gone this weekend, but thanks to an ear infection that made me deaf in one ear...I had to wait!

One of the things I really Zombieland starts off and it goes STRAIT into the blood! Most movies build up! Not this one! You are laughing and seeing blood within the first min of the movie. I started laughing and hardly stopped until the end. AND unlike a lot of movies…these characters where not stupid and making stupid choices that would get them killed…they were survivors!

Zombieland starts in the post Zombies apocalyptic (I know that will come one day !). It has been 2 months since the first person got infected with the zombie virus (which they do not name, but for anyone who knows anything about zombies…the virus’s name is Solanum). Only a few human have managed to remain alive, mainly Columbus (he is the teller of the story). He is a college student who is trying to get back to Columbus to find his parents. The only way Columbus has managed to survive (considering he is the dorky un-athletic type who is afraid of everything) is by following his 32 Rules. I guess Columbus’ fears are what helped him stay alive. OH and like me Columbus has an UNDYING fear of CLOWNS. Yes you heard me CLOWNS.

Side note:
I knew there was going to be a zombie clown in the movie…I have known for months thanks to IMDB which had the freaking clown on the main page for ever…I COULDN’T visit IMDB until a friend told me it was finally down. So anyway I was expecting that…and looked away so I did scream (I knew it was coming). But I didn’t know about the first clown. AND I screamed…AHHH (LOUD) and screamed “OH MY F*#$ing GOD! I HATE F*#$ing CLOWNS” and jumped in my seat. It was so loud that everyone in the theater looked at me. I didn’t mean to it just came out as a reflex. I think I almost had a heart attack!

Back to the Movie:
So Columbus on his way back to Ohio when he runs into Tallahassee (played by one of my favorite actors Woody Harrelson!!). Tallahassee is a crazy zombie killer, Twinkie obsessed mad man! And he pulls up in a pimped out Escalade…not pimped out like rapper…but pimped out like ready to take down some ZOMBIES…nice (how much do you think Escalade paid for that!!!). Tallahassee agrees to give Columbus a ride. Thanks to Tallahassee’s obsession with Twinkies they stop at a store where they find 2 girls, Wichita and Little Rock. Witchita convinces the boys that her sister has been bitten and she needs their gun to killer her….but it was a scam and as soon as they get the gun…the leave Tallahassee and Columbus behind and drive off in Tallahassee’s sweet ass Escalade!

Tallahassee and Columbus set off on foot, and are lucky enough to come across a Hummer (How much do you think HUMMER paid for that…same as the Escalade?!!) The Hummer is full of weapons (gadda love those red necks). So they set back off down the road…only to find the Escalade broke down. Little Rock and Wichita trick the boys again and get the car, but are at least nice enough to take the boys with them.

The girls are heading to some amusement park so they head west…taking the boys with them. When they finally arrive in Hollywood, Tallahassee takes them to Bill Murray’s house (haha) Bill is dressed up as a Zombie…so he can fit in…and still socialize (odd). And scares the crap out of Tallahassee and Wichita, Bill and Tallahassee start talking and they convince Bill to go and scare Columbus because he is well a phobic virgin.

I am not going to say anymore because I do not want to give away the rest of the movie….and trust me I have skipped over most of it.

Oh but one thing I love The RULES!!! If you have not seen them yet….YOU HAVE TO! Rules to Live by!!!
01. Cardio
02. Double tap
03. Beware of bathrooms
04. Seatbelts
07. Travel light
17. Don't be a hero
18. Limber up
22. When in doubt know your way out
31. Check the back seat
32. Enjoy the little things

This movie is non-stop laughs! Even my boyfriend laughed (a lot) and I had to drag him to the movie! I had to beg, but he gave in and took me because he knows my LOVE for zombies!!! And I am so grateful and happy that he did take me.

ZombieLand is like a combination of Shaun of the Dead (funny ass movie) and the Zombie Survival Guide (by Max Brooks)! It is totally worth seeing and I give it for real like 9 stars out of 10!!! That is right almost 10 out of 10….There was a clown (lost part of a point). When the movie ended, I could have turned around and watched it again!!

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