We all have dreams sometimes that make us sit up in the middle of the night and wonder if what is going on inside our twisted minds makes us kinda crazy.
At least I know my vivid strange dreams are not just me but run in my family, my dad has some of the most twisted dreams that will give my bizarre ones a run for their money any day.
But this dream that I had lately, was so seriously twisted and demented that I had to share. Yes I am twisted…but what can I say, I am a girl who goes to bed watching horror and zombie flixs what do you think I’d dream about?.
So to make a long story (dream) short.....
I started by heading out of town on vacation….
I meet up with a group of friends...
At a bar...
Bartender was a chick...
My best friend Brandi came down...
Ran into some guy that she use to have a thing for or did have a thing for....
We got drunk and were planning on going to a hotel….
He said we could all crash at his house while on our vacation...
While staying there, we began to think his neighbor was a serial killer...
Found body parts, bloody mutilated body parts...etc
We would watch over the fence as people disappeared in his yard…
Decided we should leave...
Just to be safe...
While trying to get everything together to leave the guy my girl had a thing for come home....
He stopped us...
We tried to tell him what was going on…
Explain we had to leave…
Problem was, he was actually the serial killer and was about to murder us...
He killed everyone (15+ people) except for Brandi and I....
To defend ourselves we used steak knives....
We proceeded to cut and slice at him, making incisions all along his body...
But every time we would go for a kill shot (ie – major artery etc) the knife wouldn't penetrate the skin...
It was so frustrating...
Making me angrier and angrier...
I stabbed with such hatred...
Brandi had to hold him down while I straddled him and plunged the knife into his chest and cut the skin back and peeled it off the ribs...
Like a door the skin flapped away from his chest....
He pushed me off and got up...
Still moving towards us as if nothing had happened…
With his chest cut open and blood pouring down this body...
Blood poured from the chest wound and all the incisions we had inflicted....
But he still kept coming...
I finally managed to slice him in the belly...
His intestines spill out of the wound...
Finally after 20+ stab wounds from each of us he fell....
Thinking we had killed him we began to back away from his limp body...
He wasn't dead…
He grabbed Brandi’s leg and pulled her towards him...
Calmly I tossed her the knife and she plunged it into his eye...
He laughed and stood, coming at us again....
Backing up...we realized we had to go in full or die trying...
Running at him we began to stab furiously at his body....
Cutting away chunks of skin....
Coating us in his blood....
Anger boiled inside me...and maybe her...
All I wanted to do was stab him again and again and again....
We sliced him from the back of his neck to his butt...
Finally he collapsed again...
We went to call 911...
By the time we got back he was gone....
He had regenerated and wondered off laughing...
He went to the neighbor’s house...
Who was actually his brother....
And together they began to chase us down to murder us....
More blood and violence then I described and the rest of the dream was more of the same, he would catch us, we would stab him until he died...he would regenerate and come at us again.
I didn’t wake up screaming, I wouldn’t call that I nightmare….what I would say is…um. I woke up after that dream, thought to myself, well that was twisted and got up and got ready for work…carried on with my day like nothing at all had happened.
I guess the only crazy thing is, I have bloody violent dreams like this all the time…Being chased by mad lunch lady like woman with chain saws…zombies taking over the world…who knows.
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