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Davie, FL, United States
Fun loving, laid back easy going girl, who just likes to work hard and play harder!!!! CUZ a girl has to LOVE LIFE!!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Day at The Gym

Monday night is Leg Day for me, the only down side to Monday being a gym day is that it's usually pretty busy...weekend regret & all. But this Monday was worse than normal. 

I usually go in, head phones on & jump right into my workout. I'm already pretty warmed up from BJJ & teaching KB for the past 3 hours. But as soon as I came around the corner to the weight section I stopped dead...Powerlifters...LOTS of them. And not just the ones I see every Monday, no more like there's a powerlifting convention across the street the just let out. Groups of 3-6 guys gathered around each machine loading up as much weight as possible before have a 5 min discussion about how they are gonna lift that weight. 

Don't get me wrong, I don't care how you workout, as long as you love it & you are working out....but what I can't stand is the hoarding of a machine (and the weights) for an hour when you only do 10 min of actually working out on it. 

The normal crew that I see every Monday is pretty cool, they usually will hop off a machine & let me bang out my workout real quick & then they will get back on. They all know I don't mess around...I'm there to sweat, but these new guys, a whole different story. 

I have an hour to do my workout, I have already been gone all day, it's 9:30 at night & I still have to run Jake. Let's just say I had to skip a few things and tweek my workout, which to be honest bothers me...I apparently don't like change. 

I felt like a crazed stalker, watching the next machine I wanted with hawk eyes then rushing to finish my workout so I could nonchalantly wonder over to the next one, like I hadn't been watching it for the past 15 min wondering if I could snag it. Then after getting it, I have to spend another few min groveling around the gym floor trying to find extra weights that aren't already being used by the powerlifters. 

Then to top things off, some if the guys in the new groups were blatantly enjoying the view of the girls passing by. Some girls may love this & believe me there are a few that come dressed in short shorts & sports bras with their makeup & hair done just for that....I am not one of these girls. I am in some BJJ shorts & smell like, well, all the blocks I roll w/...not pretty. But it was like a horrible night of "I've got the bigger dick...oh look a girl"

I wanted to laugh, cry & hide! 

I burnt outta there ASAP...and fingers crossed this upcoming Monday will be back to normal & I won't get that itching feeling that I'm being gawked at & mentally stripped by a bunch of guys. 

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