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Davie, FL, United States
Fun loving, laid back easy going girl, who just likes to work hard and play harder!!!! CUZ a girl has to LOVE LIFE!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead

I finally sat down to watch Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead. I have been waiting for quite a while to watch it; I didn’t want to watch it to quickly…considering I have no idea when the next Doctor Who is going to be coming out, and I don’t get much time to watch TV anyway, so I was saving it. I am a HUGE Doctor Who Fan, always have been and I always will be, this 1:15 long show will not change that!

I love Doctor Who! But one thing about this episode, where is the Phone Box (Why did it not show up into the end…that is crap)?! And I am not so much into the government knowing everything about the Doctor, although they have never met him. I like him being more the man of mystery. AND there is a reason why the gov’t should never have known about The Doctor and there is a reason that the government should not really be trusted (between you and me…I am broke, hardly making it by with a college degree and a few years of experience in my field, yet the government isn’t helping me…I don’t have enough money or power for the government to help me).

But anyway I fade from my point. So this is the best show ever made, this episode is really lacking. So the Doctors companion this time, Christina who is not an innocent girl. At the very beginning of the show she is robbing a museum. She is running from the scene of the crime and to escape detection she gets on to a bus with the Doctor and five other people. The bus ends up falling…well I guess I should say driving, through a worm how and end up on a new planet that looks like one big desert, however that planet wasn’t always a desert. It was once a thriving plant and their bus landed in the middle of the biggest city on the planet, a city the size of Hong Kong. But as I mentioned, it is now just one big desert. At one time that planet was just like earth, with billions of people, oceans, animals, forests, etc. But not anymore. The planet has been overrun by a race of, what looks like Sting Rays made of metal. The Sting Ray creatures have destroyed the planet and turned everyone into sand and they have set their eyes on Earth as their next meal. The Doctor along with Christina help has to figure out how to get everyone back to earth/London safely. Thankfully they find another ship (of a fly race) that crashed not far from their bus. And by mixing parts from the other ship and the bus, the Doctor manages to get everyone home safely.

Christina. Well I do not really like her very much, this show is not called Doctor Who and his companies, she seems to much of a camera hog. Is that even the right term…I don’t think so. I don’t know, she is just figuring out to much of the puzzle and that is the Doctors job. Christina is a bad girl (I do usually like bad girls…heck I am one), she should and would in real life be locked up. She robbed a museum. She…ok, I just don’t like her. I have liked EVERY OTHER companion the Doctor has had, but this time, I was very disappointed in her. Thankfully he didn’t take Christina on as his new companion; I may have had to shop watching this show.

And Malcolm, the scientist that works for the government and is helping the doctor, is odd. For being such a genius…he is a fricking idiot. He should have been much smarter and talented and better, just all around better. He reminded me off Erckel (Don’t know if I even spelt his name right) from Family Matters back in the 80’s. He was horrible. He should have called in someone else for help.

I must admit that waiting a year for a new season of Doctor Who only to end up with ONE episode, with a crap woman playing second to the Doctor, and NO Phone Box, that is how the Doctor travels….well I guess I shouldn’t have waited so long and put so much hype into this show. This is the worst Doctor Who episode I have ever seen. I waited ALL that time for NOTHING… BUT I still love Doctor Who, it will always be one of my favorite shows, but this was a really bad one!

I do love David Tennant…He makes a GREAT doctor!! I hope they keep him! AND they had better not cancel Doctor Who. I will seriously be one pissed off chica! Doctor Who is a Time Lord who can regenerate, NO ENDING THIS SHOW!

AND I want my NEW season of Doctor Who not just one crap episode, but a whole 20+ episodes, one a week for 20+ weeks!

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