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Davie, FL, United States
Fun loving, laid back easy going girl, who just likes to work hard and play harder!!!! CUZ a girl has to LOVE LIFE!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

My Encounter with The Crazy Man

So I was in Walgreens the other day, picking up a few necessities, and I am checking out when this crazy guy starts a rant behind be about Obama being a terrorist, Haha. Really, a terrorist, I am curious as to what proof people have of this besides conspiracy, are they getting their sources from the same places that state that 911 was actually orchestrated by the US government, barcodes are controlling people, or that the Nazis had a moon base?

He actually made me feel unsafe, and I didn't want to get into anything with him or even say anything to him because he was the type that would follow me home, sit outside my house and murder me in my sleep. That a good way to make me believe in your crazed ideas...make me fear for my life. What is wrong with people?

Anyway, I am going off my story. So I didn't realize just how many crazy people were out there until last weekend. Yes I know they are on TV screaming and yelling half truths and idiotic statements, but I know that the news and media feed off of people like that and without their crazed statements of insanity the news channels wouldn’t get the rating they need, but this guy was crazy and yelling and screaming at me. He started off with a simple statement about taxes going up on items and next thing you know he was screaming at me about Obama lying to the country, being an illegal Muslim who is trying to destroy the U.S and is the Antichrist, and a Nazi (that one made me laugh out loud), he told me that Obama was a communist and a socialist (does that man even know the definition for a communist and socialist? I don’t think he did, but Obama can’t be all of them). This man just kept going on and on and on he told me that my children were going to suffer and pay for what was happening to our country. The man was getting closer to me and shacking in anger that I was actually starting to think he would hit me. He was trying to get a rise out of me (AND JUST TO SAY…how the hell did he know who I voted for or what my political beliefs were, not like I had something tattooed on my forehead??)

The checkout lady tried to calm him down, because it looked like he was really going to attack me at any moment and I was trying to pay for my items), by saying that she would be right with him and he turned to her with more anger and hatred in his eyes and spat “You just didn't like me because you are Black, you are obviously an Obama fan”. Really? I didn’t know that just because you were black meant that you had to vote for Obama, Can’t black people be Republicans, wasn’t Colin Powell a republican and last I checked he was black. It was an extremely scary situation. I just stood in shock staring at this guy wondering why he was yelling at me, I didn't even know how to respond I was like "well you are entitled to your opinion" he just kept saying your children will be sorry, you will pay, Obama is the Antichrist an Nazi, communist and a terrorist who is working to destroy the world!” HAHA.

I must admit that being yelled at by some man did not convince me that Obama was evil, I say give the man a chance, this is America and he WON the election, the electoral AND the popular vote (Unlike Bush did his first time around). Obama has been in office for only a few months, and there is absolutely NO proof about any of this crap people are screaming, Maybe instead of yelling at me in a store about certain things, he should try reading and gathering information for himself, you know RESEARCH…not just repeating what he hears over and over again on the one channel that he watches. I would be more than happy to listen to someone as long as I do not feel like my life is endangered by the process.

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