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Davie, FL, United States
Fun loving, laid back easy going girl, who just likes to work hard and play harder!!!! CUZ a girl has to LOVE LIFE!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Inglourious Basterds

So I finally got the chance to go see a movie. I feel like it has been ages, mostly because none of my friends (down here) really like going to the movies and ever since my boyfriend has been working nights, we just haven’t had the chance to go. BUT he was off on Monday so I asked him to go see Inglourious Basterds with me. It was a must see for me. I have always been a huge Quentin Tarantino fan. I loved Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, From Dusk till Dawn and Death Proof (I love almost 90% of his work, those are just my favorites), so I figured this has to be one hell of a movie.

This movie takes place in France during WWII after the Nazi (scum) have invade and they have worked tirelessly to rid France of Jewish individuals.
The movie follows a few 2 distinct stories and 1 side story:

1) A group of American born Jewish soldier, known as “The Bastards”, go to France and take it upon themselves to put the fear of death into the Nazi’s. They travel around France torturing, murdering and scalping ever single Nazi they can find and they enjoy every minute of it. They do not take prisoners and those that they release, they carve a swastika into their scalps. The Bastard’s are made up of 8 Jews with
Aldo Rains (Brad Pitt) as their leader. Each one of the Bastards is sick and twisted in their own way. I think Sgt Hugo Stiglitz (played by Til Schweiger) is the most disturbed of the group, he killed one Nazi by shoving his fist into the man’s mouth and down his throat until the Nazi suffocated and died. The Bastards hear of the premier of “A Nation’s Pride” and realize that this is an opportunity to end the war and kill every Nazi solider with power. With the help of actress Bridget von Hammersmark they gain access to the premier going as her assistance. But “The Jew Hunter” is there and he is not so easily tricked

2) A French born Jewish girl, named Emmanuelle Mimieux witnesses her family being murdered by “The Jew Hunter” and his soldiers. They were being hidden by a neighbor who gives them away for his (and his daughters) own safety. She survives and takes refuge in Paris where she runs a cinema. 4 years pass and she meets a Nazi soldier, Frederick Zoller, who falls for here and gets Goebbels to premier the movie “A Nation’s Pride” in Emmanuelle’s theater. All of the Nazi high ranking officers including Hitler are to attend this premier and little do they know that Emmanuelle is a Jew and determined to take down as many Nazi’s as she can!

3) Col. Hans Landa AKA “The Jew Hunter”, although is story is not followed as closely as the other two, he flow fluidly between the two brining the stories together. Col. Landa is a French native who was hired by the Nazi’s to track down any remaining Jews and get rid of them. He is a smart, cunning, evil little bastard who you just love to hate in this movie. He locates Emmanuelle’s family when they are hiding in the country side of France and he is the one responsible for murdering them. Col. Landa runs into Emmanuelle again 4 years later when Goebbels decided to premier his movie in her theater. Landa does not recognize Emmanuelle, but she recognizes him. Col. Landa also spots “The Bastards”.

Of course the two stories end up intertwining with each other. You can feel the anticipation growing in the audience as the premier draws closer.

This movie is bloody and violent. I t is about 3 hrs long, and at some points it is a little slow, but it is worth going to see. If you are a fan of Quentin Tarantino, this is a must see movie. This is a rated R movie, so please do not take little kids with you, it may not be a horror flick but it is bloody and violent, not for anyone who you would still consider a kid, innocent and a virgin.

Check out the Inglourious Bastards Trailor if you haven't yet seen it.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Being Human

I love BBC! This show, Being Human, is actually pretty good! I have seen about 4 or 5 episodes now and this show is really starting to grow on me.

The show is about a werewolf (George), a vampire (Mitchell) and a ghost (Anne) that all move in together. The Werewolf and Vampire move into this house where this woman was killed and they are the only ones that can see her. She was so excited that finally she could be seen, and it turns out that only supernatural creatures can see her.

So George is trying to fight against who he is. He is someone of a girly boy, he is timid, a romantic and sophisticated, but once a month he because a violent creature.
Mitchell is trying to survive without taking the life of others; he has sworn off human blood and is fighting the urge day in and out to taste the sweet warm blood of a living human one more time.

George and Mitchell are trying to live a normal live and to mix their supernatural selves with the human selves. But of course it ends up being harder than they thought.

Anne was engaged and she ended up being murdered by someone. She ends up being trapped on the earthly plain and she has to come to terms with the fact that she can’t cross over until she finds out the truth of how she died and why she is still “here”.

I must admit that the first episode was a little odd, I felt like it was missing something and it jumped into the story at the middle and not so much the beginning. Maybe that is what they were going for. In the first episode, you see how George and Mitchell meet Anne, but you have no idea how George and Mitchell meet, just that Mitchell got George the job at the hospital….I feel like there should have been a first episode to the first episode. Since the first episode this show has gotten better and is now worth watching.

I do wish that the Vampire, Mitchell, was more of a Vamp. He can go out during the day, he is not super strong or super quick, but he is a Vampire. Not too bad.
There are of course other Vampires. They are everywhere and they work to bring him back to the “darkside”. They do not understand why Mitchell has sworn off blood and why he is so determined to live among humans, and what they do not understand they do not like.

This show is on BBC America on Saturday nights, it is on at 9pm, so you can watch it before you go out! And if you have TiVo or Direct TV, you can record it and watch it later.

Zombie Outbreak?!

I love Zombie’s the amuse the HELL OUT of me and yes a lot of people think I am crazy because I think that Zombies will one day come into existence because some crazy scientist will try to bring his wife or kid back from the dead. My friends and I have a play for Z Day, trust me when I go to look to buy a house finally, I will have zombie protection and fortification in mind :-) I may be a little crazy, but I would rather be crazy with zombies instead of something else! Zombies fascinate me, just the idea of the dead coming back to life is scary, downright scary, something coming back from the dead, an unstoppable force that could take over the world within a matter of months endangering the human race to extinction, ya that kinda freaks me out and I like to get a little freaked out (that is why I love to watch horror movies and read horror books).So anyway, my friend sent me this funny ass article, because she knew I would love it “Science Ponders ‘Zombie Attacks’”. (note BBC did not actually make this article, but you still gadda love it) and I did.

So in this crazy and funny ass article, mathematicians and scientist got together and figured out what would happen to civilization if zombies actually existed. They modeled zombie attacks using biological assumptions based on books and movies (because really what else do they have to go off of)

Some of the guidelines they went off of were:
• Slow moving zombies
• Kill to the head
• Turn to living into zombies from bits

And of logical conclusion was that our civilization would fall. Unlike swine flu and other infectious diseases zombies come back to life and can keep coming and coming in greater and greater numbers until you take them out by destroying the brain! You can’t cure the common zombie virus, Solanum. Yes for anyone who has read World War Z or the Zombie Survival Guide you know what Solanum is. For those of you that haven’t, Solanum is the incurable virus that reanimates the human dead. Once you are infected with Solanum, there is no coming back, you can’t just cut off the infected part and be ok, once it hits the blood stream you are toast! You have a few hours to a few days until you become one of the living dead and you turn on your friends and family. If someone you know is bitten by a zombie, kill them, unless you wish to die, because they will turn on you!

Cities like London, New York, Tokyo and Hong Kong would be doomed, so if you life in a city…you better hope Zday doesn’t come while you are alive. Now, country folks that live in small towns are better off and will last a lot longer than people in the city, not cuz people in the city are crazy, but population wise, less people = less zombies to worry about.

Now if you are smart, you will have a bunker, like a Y2K bunker stocked with food and supplies, but you would want to include guns and other weapons like crowbars, hammers, crossbow, bow and arrows. Guns are great, but you gadda be a great shot to be able to take down a zombie with a bullet to the head as they come lumbering towards you and you gadda think that eventually with 3/4th of the world chasing after you, you will run out of bullets. So crowbars, hammers, etc will come in handy for SURE! I will be prepared, will you? I recommend reading Zombie Survive Guide by Max Brooks, that will really help you out!

Now I would love to see a real research study done that really looks zombies and how they would destroy civilization. I would be interested in how people would react. To be honest, it wouldn’t take me long to realize that zombies had come back from the dead, and the quicker you accept that the longer you will survive. The Zombie article was great and funny, and I love any excuse to talk about zombies :-)

Friday, August 21, 2009

My Encounter with The Crazy Man

So I was in Walgreens the other day, picking up a few necessities, and I am checking out when this crazy guy starts a rant behind be about Obama being a terrorist, Haha. Really, a terrorist, I am curious as to what proof people have of this besides conspiracy, are they getting their sources from the same places that state that 911 was actually orchestrated by the US government, barcodes are controlling people, or that the Nazis had a moon base?

He actually made me feel unsafe, and I didn't want to get into anything with him or even say anything to him because he was the type that would follow me home, sit outside my house and murder me in my sleep. That a good way to make me believe in your crazed ideas...make me fear for my life. What is wrong with people?

Anyway, I am going off my story. So I didn't realize just how many crazy people were out there until last weekend. Yes I know they are on TV screaming and yelling half truths and idiotic statements, but I know that the news and media feed off of people like that and without their crazed statements of insanity the news channels wouldn’t get the rating they need, but this guy was crazy and yelling and screaming at me. He started off with a simple statement about taxes going up on items and next thing you know he was screaming at me about Obama lying to the country, being an illegal Muslim who is trying to destroy the U.S and is the Antichrist, and a Nazi (that one made me laugh out loud), he told me that Obama was a communist and a socialist (does that man even know the definition for a communist and socialist? I don’t think he did, but Obama can’t be all of them). This man just kept going on and on and on he told me that my children were going to suffer and pay for what was happening to our country. The man was getting closer to me and shacking in anger that I was actually starting to think he would hit me. He was trying to get a rise out of me (AND JUST TO SAY…how the hell did he know who I voted for or what my political beliefs were, not like I had something tattooed on my forehead??)

The checkout lady tried to calm him down, because it looked like he was really going to attack me at any moment and I was trying to pay for my items), by saying that she would be right with him and he turned to her with more anger and hatred in his eyes and spat “You just didn't like me because you are Black, you are obviously an Obama fan”. Really? I didn’t know that just because you were black meant that you had to vote for Obama, Can’t black people be Republicans, wasn’t Colin Powell a republican and last I checked he was black. It was an extremely scary situation. I just stood in shock staring at this guy wondering why he was yelling at me, I didn't even know how to respond I was like "well you are entitled to your opinion" he just kept saying your children will be sorry, you will pay, Obama is the Antichrist an Nazi, communist and a terrorist who is working to destroy the world!” HAHA.

I must admit that being yelled at by some man did not convince me that Obama was evil, I say give the man a chance, this is America and he WON the election, the electoral AND the popular vote (Unlike Bush did his first time around). Obama has been in office for only a few months, and there is absolutely NO proof about any of this crap people are screaming, Maybe instead of yelling at me in a store about certain things, he should try reading and gathering information for himself, you know RESEARCH…not just repeating what he hears over and over again on the one channel that he watches. I would be more than happy to listen to someone as long as I do not feel like my life is endangered by the process.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Superman Returns

um...what can I say about this movie. Well I guess I should start off by saying I am not the biggest fan of "The man of steel". To be honest he is my least favorite super hero. I was a bigger fan of Batman any day. I guess because Batman was just a regular guy (although very wealthy) who chose to fight evil even though he was a mortal and could be killed by a bullet.

Anyway, so I had never seen Superman Returns before, and I don't think I really missed out on much. To be honest, this movie was extremely slow, seriously! The amount of action in this movie was about as much action as in a romance movie.

So in this movie Superman Returns after leaving Earth for 5 years because he had gone to see if anything remained of his home planet. Completely understandable right, heck, if you were the last of your kind, you would try to find more to right?! Well anyway he comes back to find that Lois is hooked up with some dude and has a kid (not that the kid is superman’s...so ironically he is not alone...haha). Anyway, Lex has escaped a life imprisonment and is trying to figure out yet another way to take over the world and destroy Superman. Ummm...good original plot there right. So I am sure that everyone has see the movie so I don’t mind saying that Lex steals the crystals from Superman’s fortress and mixes it with Kryptonite that he sold from the museum and creates a whole new country. Lois being the good reporter manages to get herself and her son kidnapped by Lex and on his boat when he creates this new country. This
is when Lois really realizes that her baby boy isn’t her fiancés but Superman’s. Lois sends out a SOS (Fax...yes fax..strange way to chose to get a hold of someone. I have to fax stuff at work and that crap takes FOREVER to go through and it is slow and doesn’t always go...not the best way to call out for help). Her fiancé get the fax (cuz she sent it to the daily planet) and he goes out in his boat/plane (I don’t know what those things are called) to save her and who he thinks is his son. Superman also gets the SOS, since he is Clark and sanding right there. So superman goes to destroy the country and save the girl, only to find out that it is made of Kryptonite and he is powerless. So he gets his ass kicked by some old out of shape guy (After years of fighting crime, did Superman not figure out some basic defensive moves? Maybe how to fight a little bit??) . After getting his ass kicked and standing up about as much as an old lady with an oxygen tank, Lex dumps him in the water where it looks like he is a goner. Thankfully Lex (being the smart evil villain) had told Lois his whole plan so she goes back and rescues Superman. Superman takes a trip up into the sunlight and goes back and instead of fighting Lex head-on, he takes the whole country up and disposes of it. HAHA. But doing this with a country of Krypton made him weak and so he dies, but really can you kill the man of steel. I think not. How silly can people really be. So happy ending, Superman knows he has a son, Superman didn’t die and everyone lives happily ever after.

So I just have a few questions. Really is no one in the entire world able to figure out that if you take the glasses, just the glasses off of Clark you get superman and they are the same person? And did no one at Clark’s job realize that every time superman is around Clark isn’t and vice versa, funny how 5 yrs Clark and superman are both gone and then the day after Clark comes back superman does to. That is a little amazing if I may say so. Not everyone is a genius, but you are telling me that not a single person could figure it out.

And as I mentioned, I am not into Superman as much as the other superheroes out there, so I do not know the answer to this, but how come Superman’s outfit never gets messed up? Every other superheroes costume gets messed up when they play with fire and bullets and crime while saving the world. WE all saw Spiderman’s suite at the end of that movie, TORE UP! Also, how does Superman fit that cape underneath his cloths? That cap is not small, I mean, I get how he can fit his spandex outfit underneath a shirt and pants, but the cap that would be a little bulky. AND how does he go to the bathroom etc with that spandex outfit on underneath his cloths. Also does he have more than one? Because I bet it gets dirty.

I liked the other superman movies A LOT better. I should not have wasted the 2 hrs watching this one, but I guess after 3 years, I should have seen it. It is not like I hate superman, he is just not my favorite.

Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead

I finally sat down to watch Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead. I have been waiting for quite a while to watch it; I didn’t want to watch it to quickly…considering I have no idea when the next Doctor Who is going to be coming out, and I don’t get much time to watch TV anyway, so I was saving it. I am a HUGE Doctor Who Fan, always have been and I always will be, this 1:15 long show will not change that!

I love Doctor Who! But one thing about this episode, where is the Phone Box (Why did it not show up into the end…that is crap)?! And I am not so much into the government knowing everything about the Doctor, although they have never met him. I like him being more the man of mystery. AND there is a reason why the gov’t should never have known about The Doctor and there is a reason that the government should not really be trusted (between you and me…I am broke, hardly making it by with a college degree and a few years of experience in my field, yet the government isn’t helping me…I don’t have enough money or power for the government to help me).

But anyway I fade from my point. So this is the best show ever made, this episode is really lacking. So the Doctors companion this time, Christina who is not an innocent girl. At the very beginning of the show she is robbing a museum. She is running from the scene of the crime and to escape detection she gets on to a bus with the Doctor and five other people. The bus ends up falling…well I guess I should say driving, through a worm how and end up on a new planet that looks like one big desert, however that planet wasn’t always a desert. It was once a thriving plant and their bus landed in the middle of the biggest city on the planet, a city the size of Hong Kong. But as I mentioned, it is now just one big desert. At one time that planet was just like earth, with billions of people, oceans, animals, forests, etc. But not anymore. The planet has been overrun by a race of, what looks like Sting Rays made of metal. The Sting Ray creatures have destroyed the planet and turned everyone into sand and they have set their eyes on Earth as their next meal. The Doctor along with Christina help has to figure out how to get everyone back to earth/London safely. Thankfully they find another ship (of a fly race) that crashed not far from their bus. And by mixing parts from the other ship and the bus, the Doctor manages to get everyone home safely.

Christina. Well I do not really like her very much, this show is not called Doctor Who and his companies, she seems to much of a camera hog. Is that even the right term…I don’t think so. I don’t know, she is just figuring out to much of the puzzle and that is the Doctors job. Christina is a bad girl (I do usually like bad girls…heck I am one), she should and would in real life be locked up. She robbed a museum. She…ok, I just don’t like her. I have liked EVERY OTHER companion the Doctor has had, but this time, I was very disappointed in her. Thankfully he didn’t take Christina on as his new companion; I may have had to shop watching this show.

And Malcolm, the scientist that works for the government and is helping the doctor, is odd. For being such a genius…he is a fricking idiot. He should have been much smarter and talented and better, just all around better. He reminded me off Erckel (Don’t know if I even spelt his name right) from Family Matters back in the 80’s. He was horrible. He should have called in someone else for help.

I must admit that waiting a year for a new season of Doctor Who only to end up with ONE episode, with a crap woman playing second to the Doctor, and NO Phone Box, that is how the Doctor travels….well I guess I shouldn’t have waited so long and put so much hype into this show. This is the worst Doctor Who episode I have ever seen. I waited ALL that time for NOTHING… BUT I still love Doctor Who, it will always be one of my favorite shows, but this was a really bad one!

I do love David Tennant…He makes a GREAT doctor!! I hope they keep him! AND they had better not cancel Doctor Who. I will seriously be one pissed off chica! Doctor Who is a Time Lord who can regenerate, NO ENDING THIS SHOW!

AND I want my NEW season of Doctor Who not just one crap episode, but a whole 20+ episodes, one a week for 20+ weeks!