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Davie, FL, United States
Fun loving, laid back easy going girl, who just likes to work hard and play harder!!!! CUZ a girl has to LOVE LIFE!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Me and Toilets Just DON'T Mix!

I had to pee so bad (been drinking a TON of water today)...so I scuttled to the ladies room and hurried into the stall. Not looking, I pulled my pants down and sat down, I FREAKING FELL IN and cracked my tail bone! The damn seat was up! WTF, I appreciate the fact that they clean the bathrooms, but can they put the seat down afterwards! It is the ladies room!! I don't know many ladies that need the seat up when they go to the rest room...so why is it left up!

How horrible is it to fall into the toilet at work? My butt was all wet and I had to whip it off with that cheap ass toilet paper that kept breaking apart and leaving bits of TP on my butt! 

So gross.  At least it was clean! But...ugh! So gross!!!!

Now I smell that cleaning solution that they use in the bathroom now...while sitting in my office. I wonder if other people who come in to talk to me can smell it to...and I wonder what they think...possible "WOW Chloe, you are really clean!" 

LOL :)

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Oh and I forgot to mention that I have been putting Bobbi Brown oil free lotion on my face all day, because it is still raw from the wind during the Half on Sunday...So after cleaning off my now sparkling butt, I go out to SCRUB my hands and see a GLOB of the white lotion on my eyelid! I looked very inappropriate. UMMM. How long has that lotion been there looking like...use your imagination...and no one told me! embarrassing to say the least, and I am crossing my fingers that it wasn't long. Or everyone in the office may start to think of me in a different way!

Really....Why do these things always happen to me!??

You can read about my other fun Toilet Trips on my last fun blog.

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